Gatorade Powder Zero Sugar helps replace the critical fluids and electrolytes that you lose when you sweat withou the added sugar. This product is for anyone doing shorter and lower intensity workouts where hydration is key, and energy from carbohydrates is not needed.
Gatorade Zero Packets recharges you without adding more of what your body doesn't need -- like extra calories. With just 5-10 calories per serving, G Zero is perfect for refueling your body with only the essential nutrients it needs for a more effective workout.
With Gatorade Zero's low calorie and zero sugar hydration formula, you can prevent muscle cramps, dehydration, and heat stress during your workout while complementing your body's nutritional requirements.
G Zero powder packets maintain the same proven hydration and fueling benefits of Gatorade Thirst Quencher. It also has the same flavorful taste and electrolyte level so you won't notice the difference from the Gatorade powder mix that you know and love.
Gatorade Powder Packs are a convenient way to prepare Gatorade Zero on-the-go. Simply mix the powder with water, drink, and stay instantly hydrated anytime, anywhere.